EU Emissions Compliance
Versatile LPP Combustion Power Systems

Upgrade in-place gas-turbine power stations with add-on LPP Combustion low-emissions multi-fuel equipment. Fuel with diesel or various other lower-cost fuels, achieving emissions are on par with natural gas. Retire old diesel generators.
LPP Combustion equipment enables low-emissions use of diesel and other liquid fuels, ensuring compliance with air-quality regulations. Lower emissions are consistently achievable operating as base-load power.
Power plants gain multi-fuel capability with LPP Combustion equipment, easing fuel procurement and lowering fuel costs.
Plant owners can forego a costly 'dual-fuel upgrade' which would otherwise be needed to use diesel fuel in addition to LNG.
In-place gas-turbine power systems can be up-graded to multi-fuel capability via installation of the modular LPP Combustion front-end Liquid Fuel Preparation Unit, which attaches to the standard fuel-intake of the gas-turbine without modification.
A wide variety of types and sizes of power plants (utility, island, and dedicated facility) can benefit from the low-emissions operation of LPP Combustion equipment.
By vaporizing liquid fuels on-site to serve as a substitute for natural gas in the gas-turbine generator, fugitive emissions from the processing, transport, liquefaction, and storage of methane may also be reduced.